
Sixth entry

Happy Friday everyone! that must have been the longest week of my life... BUUUTT!!!! There's only 21 days left til Christmas! That's a plus!

So... today being Friday, I get to write about WHATEVER I want. Alas, I can't think of what to write about. OH! got it! New Moon! Come on... we all knew it was coming! You guys know I wouldn't leave that stone unturned...

So let's start off with the extremly wide gamma of emotions Kristen Stewart can portray... here's a little table I've created depicting her in different stages of emotion:

Huh... she's good eh? She can do every emotion known to human with the exact same face! In fact she does! throught the whole fucking movie for Christ's sake! Your face moves! Oh! and what`s with the weird sound they make every time they kiss? Seriously? it's some kind of weird moan... premature ejaculation maybe? Oh!  and I'm not sure I understand why Jacob has to be shirtless most of the movie. Like: "oh! your face is bleeding, let me take off my shirt!" and he just walks around with his little gangbang-wolf-man buddies all the time radnomly turning into wolves...

OH! let's not forget that whether you be from Team Edward or Team Jacob, there was a shirtless scene for you! Remember at the end, when Edward's shirtless and Bella's running to save him? Well apparently, Edward's body is so captivating that Bella must run in sow motion... NIIIIIIIICCCCCEEEEEeEE BOOOOOOODDDDDDYYYY, SLOOWWWWWW DOOOOOOWWWWWNNNNNN so that everyone in the theatre can see it too..... (in slo-mo voice)..

I couldn't help but laugh when Bella gets thrown accross the room and starts to bleed. Once again, she has the same face, but looks chinese... She just does this weird little squinting thing....

huh... who would've known we could have made a comparison to these two people:

Beautiful aren't they?

Well, I guess that's all for me tonight... I;m getting a little tired.

Happy Groping!

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