Hey blog buddies!
Two weeks off from school...BEAUTIFUL! First of all, you HAVE to watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYX6gKy-TpI Ding dong, woof, bears!
Anyway, I just wanna et you guys know that the next two weeks are gonna be pretty hectic, so I won't be able to write every day... sorry!
This week was indeed a long one. I mean, it was the last week of school before Christmas and all, but it was still unbelievably long... but it's okay, because I was, once again, capable of making a fool of myself.
I go into Chapters and I'm looking for this one book in hardcover. ALOT HARDER THAN IT SOUNDS! Anyway, I go up to a lady that works there, and I was like (while holding the sfot cover version of the book):" Do you have this in hardcover, like you know? the same book as this, but with a hardcover?" (dumb mistake number one: the name itself kinda gives it away, but I guess I had the urge to specify what a hardcover was to someone who sells books for a living...) and she's like: "OH! I know what a hardcover is (duh!)and let me check! that's a really good book!" And the whole time I'm like: "I know it's a good book, that's why I'm buying it for someone in Hardcover!" and she looks it up on her fancy little compyter thing says: "no, sorry" but we have 150 Softcovers in stock!" but that's not what I wanted so I said: "I don't want softcover" to which she replies: "well, it's the same thing!" (but it's not!!!! HARDcover and SOFTcover!) anyway, I was like: "well, don't books come out in hardcover before they come out in softcover?" (dumb mistake number 2: just because there's only softcovers in the store, doesnt mean that the hardcovers aren't made, it just means that Chapter's is sold out) and she's like: "You know what, you can just order them from Chapters.ca. Have a good day" I must look like the biggest asshole/retard on earth in her eyes....
Happy groping!
THIS WAS LIKELY A GIRL I KNOW. Who used to work with me, at Science North. Who, if it was her... Is a GIANT tool. MERRY BELATED CHRISTMAS SKYLER.