WOW! Thirty blogs since I started this whole thing. Kind of awesome...
Anyway, I figured I'd do a little backtracking and tell you about a couple of funny events to happen in my life this past little while.
So I'm at work right? Hard to believe, I know! Anyway, So I'm at work and this customer comes in and somehow we got to talking about Krispy Kreme Doughnuts (which are fan-fucking-tabulous by the way) and then she goes on to say how good they were... Anyway, I just HAVE to replay this conversation for you guys:
Woman: "OHMYGOSH! Those Kripsy Kreme Doughnuts are to die for!"
me: "ya, they are amazing!"
Woman: "They're just so delicious, but jam packed with calories!"
Me:"SSHHHH!!! don't say the "c" word!"
Woman: "I didn't say the "c" word!"
Me: "yes you did! you said calories!"
Woman: "Calories starts with a "C", I thought it started with a 'K'?"
(at this point I wanted to cause her physical harm)
Me: "Umm.. no..... it starts with a "C" me"
Woman: "Oh! I never knew!"
Like, oh my god. Honestly, how can you not know how to spell calories. THE WORD IS WRITTEN ON EVERY FOOD ITEM YOU EAT! BITCH SUCK! I wanted to sit her down and tell her that phone has a "ph" and not an "f" and that key is spelled K-E-Y and not K-I... What is this world coming to when a simple human being (and she wasn't even blonde! she can't even use that as an excuse!) can't even regurgitate the word she sees every time she opens a package.
Well anyway...that was quite the rant... But of course, you're talking to the guy that corrects people when they misuse Seen when it should be saw and I instead of me... (ahem...Liane)
OH! and speaking of Liane... we're sitting at lunch yesterday and this is the conversation that ensues...
(random chatter about somewhat intelligent lunch topic)
Liane (from nowhere): "hey guys! do you guys remember those inflatable plastic things. You know, there were those weights at the bottom and you had to punch them and they bounced back up so you can punch them again?"
Everyone, in unison: "YA!..."
Liane: "Those were fun eh?"
-end of conversation-
everyone else: "umm... ya...." (waiting for more to be said)
-random silence-
Oh Liane, I'm here for you, just remember that ok!
Well anyway, that's all I can remember at the moment, I'll write some more tomorrow
Happy groping!
Are you FOR REAL right now. The 'K' thing?? No way. As if you kept a straight face! I would've laughed in her face!! KALORIES?! really now?! You should've Katapulted her out of the Korner Store and told her to go live a long life with her Kats and their Katnip..
ReplyDeleteK I'm done. LOL
and you know what? those things WERE fun. I'm just surprised you havn't mentioned all my other ahem hobbies.
I'm blowing this popsicle stand!
(that's right. I just said that.)