
Twenty Fouth Entry

Hey blog buddies! I bring you news! 

"Vous êtes admis à Temps complet à l'année 1, du programme de Baccalauréat ès science, spécialisé en science et B.Éd. , offert en français à la session d'automne 2010 par la Faculté des sciences de l'Université d'Ottawa.

Vous recevrez une bourse d'admission de 2 000 $. L'Université vous garantit également un hébergement soit sur le campus ou à l'extérieur du campus si vous complétez les démarches avant la date limite."

YAY me right? Well, kinda, it was my fourth choice so let's keep our fingers crossed for the other thress (mainly Guelph and Waterloo)

Anyway... enough about me. Let's write today's blog.

"Dearest pumpernikel bread,

I don't understand why you are not more liked! It's possibly because of your skin tone, though I personaly love it. I love to cover you in white sauce (containing green specs) and eat you. You are also wonderful when you are toasted. You're like Beyonce in bread form.

And your name! How wonderful! Pumpernikel! It's one of those words that people hear and go "what???" but I love it. I think it's beautiful and I think you're beautiful. Your lush shade and dark interior make you severely mysterious. But when someone gets their frist taste of your soft flesh, it all goes away. You're just like Wonder, but only better. She's a bitch anyway...you don't wanna be friends with THAT kind of bread! She tastes like sand and is very dull... you can do better.

I look forward to smothering you in butter my love!"


happy groping!

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