
Plan of the blog and Sunday's entry!

Hey blog buddies!

So I've come up with a plan. This is the schedule I will follow on my blog. It's pretty much gonna be the pattern for every week.

Mondays: Since they are usually the worst days of the week.. This is the day I will describe to you. I will write my whole entry just about my day and it's happenings.

Tuesdays: This is the say of the week that I will be taking off.... It's my busiest day so... suck my balls if you don't like it...

Wednesdays: Lyric ripping! I'm gonna copy and paste the lyrics of a song. I will then criticize the lyrics, ripping on the artist/song.

Thursday: We'll start off with my opinion on a current/controversial affair in the world

Friday: Random post... I'll talk about whatever I want. I may not post until Saturday morning, but it'll still count as my Friday post.

Saturday: Celebrity slashing... speaks for itself.

Sunday: We'll talk about the highlight of my week and reflect upon how it affects my outlook on life... BULLSHIT!


So, let's get started!

Hmm.....event of the week. OH! it must have been the Starbucks run on Thursday afternoon... WOW! k... so, everything's all normal and such... Driving down the Kingsway (HOLY SHIT! you don't realize how long that road actually is until you drive from one end to the other and then realize you're going the wrong way), turn into the parking lot. k.. everything's good so far eh? no! go to find a parking spot... NOTHING within a fucking mile from Starbucks.. what is the world comming to? Anyway.. Finaly find a parking spot like wayyyy down by Staples, make my way into Starbucks and the line up is like 5 miles long... Its going around by the door, then down around the window to the left of the door, then into Chapters by the first magazine rack... NICE! Happy 29 days til Christmas to you too! anyway... it's all good... Im a Starbucks addict so of course I waited. It wasn't that bad... Then you get to the counter and you get a noob Barista taking your order. You know this is gonna be fun so you make the drink as complicated as possible (I already get a complicated drink anyway, so I just added extra-hot) so I order a decaf, non-fat, no-whip,  extra-hot, peppermint, White-Mocca and the guy does nothing... Like NOTHING! I thought he died, he just stood there and looked at me... no expression. (I kinda thoguht maybe he was liek a zombie, in which case I would have to jump over the counter and tackle him because we all know that's how you surprise a zombie barista!) So then he's FINALY like: "Uhh... can u repeat that?" so I do. and then get the same look... I'm like "jesus fuck! since when does Starbucks hire zombies?" so he calls over this otehr girl... and I say the drink one last time and she's like "press this, this and this" to the new guy (who wasn't even good looking... I mean, had he been even REMOTELY hot, I would've been more sympathetic.. but no!). So he presses the buttons and my drink comes up to 4.45... cool! kay...finaly! so you walk over to the other side where you wait patiently for the quietest barista there is to "yell" out your drink. I barely even heard her... anyway, get my drink 5 minutes later and I leave... What fun!

Anyway... that was a pretty boring highlight of my week, but it was boring week to begin with...

Moral of the story: Teasing new zombie baristas by ordering complicated drinks is fun... we should all try it!

Happy Groping!


  1. Oh wow, that was so funny! I can jst picture that poor guys face ahaha. I loved reading this, I'm definately going to make this a daily habit :) J't'aime!

  2. ahahaha!! I love your stories :) Didn't you do the same to a noob like 2 weeks ago with me and k.g.? You're such a meanie ;)
    Don't ever stop it..or I will start my own blog hating on you for taking out amusement of my day :P
