
Airport fun

Hey blog buddies.

HAPPY READING WEEKKKKKK!!! and for those who don't get one... you suck. aha.

ANYWAY. funny thing happened to me yesterday. I had to catch a 9:30 flight from Ottawa to Sudbury.. no big deal.......you'd think. But I somehow managed to fuck it up, well, sorta.

So I figured I'd wake up nice and early at 6:00 and take my time, go for a shower, eat breakfast and make sure I packed everything I needed. Keep in mind that I had planned on arriving an hour before my flight left. SO I decide to check my itinerary and things seem to be on time.. then I realize it's about an hour bus ride from my house to the airport. It's currently 7:45 AM. oh YES! I'm sooo fucking pumped to run through the airport. I must say though, given the flights I've been on, about 60% of them involved some running. Then, as I realize I have to walk to the bus stop...I hurry the fuck up, get my coat and run downstairs with my huge luggage. I get outside. Fuck my fucking life... It's like minus 500 degrees outside. Then, just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, my lovely East Indian neighbour gives me a ride to the bus stop. YAY ME! it actually shaved about 10 minutes off my time. So I get on the bus and I swear my bus driver was Mother Theresa. She waited like 10 minutes at every stop just to make sure nobody else was getting on the fucking bus. LIKE, HELLOOOO! I have a plane to catch bitch face.

So I finally get to the airport and I have 4 minutes left for check in. Thank fucking god. I would have had a shit fit right there had I missed check in. Oh and the Ottawa airport isn't that busy, so I actually had just enough time to run and catch the first boarding call for my flight. It was BEAUTIFUL.

So yeah... the flight was pretty uneventful... I had a whole section to myself (2 seats) which was like, some sorta prize I guess for being able to fucking run through all the sections of the airport in 10 minutes flat. and omg. they had these Terra chip things on the plane... they were kinda amazing. Definitely pick up one next time you fly Porter.
So yeah.. that was my morning yesterday... how great right?

Happy Groping!


Late night adventures in the library.

Hey Blog buddies. I realie it is quite late as I write this for you... but this was perfectly blog-worthy. 

SO anyway, as most of you have seen on Facebook, I am no longer single. I know...exciting right? I sure think so. EITHER WAY, this blog is not about all the mushy shit in my life. It's about the moments that make me piss. aha

So. Tyler and new friend Stephanie are siting in the library right? It's currently 11:50 PM...we're all kinda tired, and maybe this story might not sound as epic as it actually was.

So we're talking about our classes and all Tyler is complaining that he has a mild speech impediment and can't say the word SOCIAL RESEARCH... it's really not that fucking hard... but whatever.

ANYWAY, this is an exact replication of what happened:

Tyler: I can't say it "sosa research"....sosha sosha...man i sound like a freakin asian!!

Sure maybe that's not quite as funny as it sounds... 

but Tyler looks behind and realizes there is a table of asians sitting 6 feet away.

Oh hot damn. Good one. The smoothest of smooth. 
Ahahaha the worst part is we are now listening to them speak enthusiastic Asian (who the fuck knows if it was Japanese, Chinese, Korean... IT WAS ASIAN!) and we're laughing at them...still....10 minutes later.

Good things happen in the library :)

Happy Groping!


Skyler's quick-fix #1

Hey Blog Buddies!

So it's been 2 weeks since I made my vlog....and traffic has increased on my blog by 300%....what the hell...where are all these people coming from? Thank you for reading though. Anyway... I know I don't write as often as everyone would like..but University os a bitch... actually...I'm only writing now to avoid doing homework that needs to be done HAHA!. OH! and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone... I mean..it's the most useless holiday ever...but I'm thankful for it...(did you see what I just did there.. thankful for thanksgiving???) haha....

SO today, I'm going to share with you something that bothers me AND my quick-fixes for is. This topic was actually brought up by the mom of a good friend of mine.

SO first on the list.... The people at call centres. Ok WHAT THE FUCK? is there some criteria which states that in order to work at a call centre, English has to be your second language and that you have to be of fucking Indian decent? I mean...I'm not racist by any means... but if you expect people to call you with their problems with, lets say, their phones (Bell is the absolute worst for this) you should at least expect to be able to understand what the fuck the person helping you is saying. IT'S MADNESS!!!!!
And honestly... what is so appealing for these East-Indian people at a call-centre anyway? It's not they're serving mango-curry chicken everyday....
Skyler's quick-fix: When you first call, (and this works in Canada only I presume) and you're faced with the annoying son of a bitch robot on the other end saying: "For English, press 1. Pour les services en Français, appuyer sur le 2" (english translation: "For French, hit 2") ALWAYS hit the french. Even if your French is limited to "Je m'appelle" and the eponymous baby seal "phoque". Everytime I've done this, you're connected with someone white, who can also speak English!!!! Think about it... in today's society, it's SUPREMELY uncommon to speak only French!!! So when you're finally connected with the french bitch on the other end, just say you hit the wrong button... chances are she'll just help you anyway. I'm so clever I scare myself.

Happy Groping!