I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW....it seems like it's been YEARS since I posted a blog... Anyone who goes to my school and is in any of my classes knows that we have soo much shit to do in so little time... But whatever...I still have to make time for this I guess...Procrastination is a beautiful invention...
I decided to postpone my tacky things list for a later date to make place for today's blog. Stupid drivers.
I'm not gonna say that I'm a perfect driver....because I'm really not. But some fucking people out there think they're king shit of the fucking asphalt and do whatever the fuck they want.
Let's take exhibit A: People who don't use their signal lights.
First of all, FUCK YOU! Seriously, that little lever type-thing on the side of the wheel is there for a reason. It's really not that hard... A simple flick of the finger is enough to use it... I mean... is it not enough that the poor person behind you has to slam on their brakes because you decide to turn without first notifying him/her? we're not ALL mind readers, so smarten the fuck up and use your signal asshole!
Secondly, how about people who suddenly forget how to drive at the first sign of snow!
Nothing pisses me off more than when it's barely even snowing, the roads are fine and some bitch is driving at 20 in an 80 zone with the wipers on full blast for the single snowflake that hits her windshield every 30 seconds. You can see perfectly! There isn't even any snow on the road and you're driving like your car is carrying 12375691234785623478956978234659274569283745 eggs, 3 babies and 6 priceless paintings! Get the fuck off the road if you can't drive properly!
Also, let's move onto people who speed up when you're trying to pass them.
OH MY FUCK...seriously... I can't stand people like this... "I'm not trying to race you...I'm trying to pass your slow ass so I can get to my destination at a reasonable time" And it's just soooo much worse when you finally get into an overtaking lane (dotted line on a two lane highway), (these things don't go on forever you know) and the little bitch in the car ahead of you suddenly accelerates as you're trying to pass him/her and then ahead of you, oncoming is fucking Mac transport. FML.... back behind the bitch we go...
And finally, people who don't check their blindspots.
Once again, YOU DON'T OWN THE ROAD SHITHEAD! check around yourself! the first thing they teach you is check your blindspots! Stop fixing your hair in the mirror! You look like shit anyway! Take teh time to look around yourself fuck face! While your car might be shitty and repelling... not everyone's car is like that... We don;t exactly appreciate a huge gash in our cars either.
Well anyway...now that the year's coming to an end (euhm.... somewhat), I hope to write more for you!
Happy Groping!